My practice is located in the professional centre of Douglas Centre. Enter at Evergreen Business Services - unit 550, 2950 Douglas St. Parking is on the side closest to Burnside Rd. At entry come up the stairs to reception where I will come and find you. I have a check in QR code on my door (A1). Call 778-700-2178 if you need help finding my practice space.

Hello and welcome.

I help busy women and moms return to an intuitive sense about their bodies and health. Remembering that we are designed to heal and not ‘break down’ with age or be in chronic body pain. We can begin to choose things that support our healing and well-being.

I have a niche for helping women predominantly but I also care for their children, their partners, and their parents.

Spinal health has a core principle in caring for your nervous system, brain health, and overall body function. My approach is a unique - it is gentle, it is specific, and it is effective. It is not typical style of mainstream chiropractic - it balances you from upper cervical in a gentle manner, it is stabilizing for your pelvis and low back, and effective at reducing nagging pains in ribs, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet without excessive force or ‘cracking’ releases. If you have chronic hip pain, low back pain, have an autoimmune diagnosis, or high stress - this approach to somatic care can be very relieving, rather than inflammatory to your system.

Hello and welcome. I help busy women and moms return to an intuitive sense about their bodies an... Read More

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Located at: 2950 Douglas St, Unit 550, Room A1, Victoria
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